To all my coaching friends, here are a few gems. The role we play in the lives of the kids we coach is enormous. It is such a great honour and privilege. Treasure it.

At AFL level, coaches and players become frustrated sometimes.  Junior coaches can’t afford to become frustrated and they should never berate children or apportion blame to anyone for a loss.  A junior coach has an enormous responsibility in this vital area, more than an AFL coach.  An AFL coach may say something to a player that could ruin a relationship, but a junior coach could say something that ruins a lifetime of sporting involvement for a child.

“A leader, teacher or coach, has a most powerful influence on those he or she leads. I considered it a sacred trust: helping to mould character, instil productive principles and values, and provide a positive example to those under my supervision.  Furthermore, it is a privilege to have that responsibility, opportunity and obligation, one that should never be taken lightly.”
John Wooden, legendary US basketball coach.

Have a great coaching week.
Be positive, inspiring and have fun with all your little charges.
They are precious.

Love Ann


Ann Quinn, Ph.D
Peak Performance Specialist – Quinnessential Coaching

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