WEEK 3 – JULY 2006


Hi everyone and welcome again to another quintessential week.
Something we all experience is that little voice inside of us being negative or perhaps it is others around you who do not share such a positive attitude. Here are some quotes to inspire you to view those negatives in a positive way if they do arrive. Good luck.

Life is like photography.
We use the negative to develop.

Steve Bhaerman

Two negatives can make a positive.


Life naturally, contains negative thoughts. No big deal. Really. Let them drift through your mind like leaves on a patio. There is no need to resist them, hold onto any of them, or entertain them.
John Roger and Peter Mc Williams

Negative people deplete your energy. Surround yourself with love and nourishment and do not allow the creation of negativity in your environment.
Deepak Chopra

I never looked at the consequences of missing a big shot… when you think about the consequences you always think of a negative result.
Michael Jordan

Have a super positive week and let those negatives be like leaves that drift away. Focus instead on where you want to go. Life is too short and precious to be worried about negative thoughts. What you think about and what you focus on, is where you go. Make it great.

With love to all



Ann Quinn, Ph.D
Peak Performance Specialist

Quintessential Coach, Trainer, Speaker & Author

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