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Performance Coaching Techniques: Actions Plans For Success

In today’s blog post, we move onto Step 2 in our performance coaching goal setting process and develop action plans for each of our goals.

Step 2: Focus

  • Identify the strategies you will use to achieve the goal
  • Chunk it down
  • Set specific actions you can measure
  • Make them realistic
  • Set short as well as long terms actions
Identify strategies you will use to achieve the goals

What are the actions you need to take to achieve your goals? Go back to all the areas you identified in earlier blog posts from the different evaluations, technically, tactically, physically, mentally and so forth.

What do you need to do to improve each of these areas? Ask your coach and other professionals to help you here if you are not sure.

Break down your actions into small chunks so it is easy to take action!

It is like having a big plate of food in front of you. You eat it one bite at a time! When you break things down into bite sized chunks, you can achieve anything you set your mind to do.

All your actions must be specific and measurable, so you will know when you have achieved it.

For example, an action might be to complete 100 repetitions of a skill every day for 30 days and thus, you will know exactly when you have achieved it.

Make them realistic

It is no use setting goals or actions you can never reach. Aim high but be realistic.

You are not going to be breaking world records in a week from now! It takes time and lots of hard work! Set yourself up for success by setting lots of smaller goals along the way to the big goal that really stretches you.

It is so important that you have fun and really enjoy the journey.

Set short as well as long term actions

Actions need to be set for now, and just as importantly for a few months time and likewise even a few years time too.

I first remember meeting Bill Sweetenham, who at the time was the Head Swimming Coach at the Australian Institute of Sport and I was blown away with his detailed planning he had already done for every one of his charges for the next four year Olympic cycle.

And of course, it was no surprise to see their success at the following Olympics.

This step requires some time writing. Make that time. It is a gift to your future. Plan to make it Extraordinary.

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