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Do your Best – No Expectations!


Hi Ann,

Just enjoyed a great weekend up in Sheffield with Steve Peters, a very important part of the British Cycling Coaching Team. Winning fourteen gold medals just does not happen without a great team behind the athletes and Steve was a very significant part of that. One of the key messages for me this weekend was not to have expectations. In other words, don’t expect to win the Gold Medal. Focus only on the process and doing your best. If you did your best and did not win, then look at what are the reasons behind that. What skills have you not yet mastered?

Concentrate on the successes in your life and look at the failures and negatives as corrective feedback to get you back on target again.
Denis Waitley

If you’ll not settle for anything less than your best, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish in your lives.
Vince Lombardi

…it’s the same with business. If you focus on the goal and not the process, you inevitably compromise. Businessmen who focus on profits wind up in the hole. For me, profit is what happens when you do everything else right.
Yvon Choulnard

When the road is long, when the challenges are great, that is your chance to truly shine. For when you give it all you have, you end up with the best you can be.
Ralph Marston

My challenge to you this week is to focus on doing your best. Focus on the process and winning will take care of itself. And don’t forget to enjoy the journey!

Be your best and be amazed this week!

love Ann

Ann Quinn, Ph.D

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