First of all, some exciting news! My new website is finally live
It has been a big project! Go and check it out and get some free mindset training whilst you are there too.

I was asked to deliver a presentation for Tennis Australia High Performance coaches last week up in Queensland and help them RESET for a great year. Here are a few tips for you from the workshop to get ready to to set you up for success and win the coming year!

Grab your journal or a note book and be ready to write some quick answers down as instead of quotes this month, I have questions for you to answer!



Start with a celebration of all the things you are proud of having achieved this year. We usually start looking ahead to what we can do, but instead start by looking back and come up with 10 things you are really proud of having achieved this year. Write them down now and be sure to celebrate you in the next 24 hours!

Now looking forward to 2023, What would you love to do if you could do anything? Follow your passion and be truly energised.


Your health, fitness and nutrition are all keys to creating an energised you.
Your body is the most priceless possession so be sure to take great care of it. Many of us are so lucky to play this wonderful sport of tennis and keep fit doing what we love. Next year, try some different activities too. Our bodies love variety. Staying fit and healthy is not a goal, it is a way of living. Do what you love and be sure to also fuel it with quality foods. Our health is also our wealth, so make it priority.

What is ONE thing you can commit to doing in the coming year to energise you more?
Maybe it is doing some different form of exercise, joining a new gym, taking up yoga or pilates. Maybe it is enjoying more green smoothies, staying away from sugars and high fat and acidic foods, or eating more fruit and vegetables. You could decide to do something different each month too. Simply Decide and Do it!


Winners have their own unique success systems, routines and daily habits. They radiate a positive, confident attitude. They talk positively to themselves and compliment themselves on all the little achievements and hard work they do each day. Their beliefs create their reality. And they live with an attitude of gratitude.

What can you do in your daily routine to set yourself up to win each day?
It could be coming up with a morning routine to get your day off to a great start or an evening routine to wind down after a long day physically and mentally and relax into sleep. Maybe it is simply planning time out to just be just be and to let go. A quiet mind has direct access to wisdom and insight. Let it guide you to your greatness.


Your environment makes a real difference to your well-being. What could you do to improve your environment, your office, your home, your wardrobe and everything all around you? Clear your clutter. It drains your energy and keeps you in the past. Be ruthless. Just start with 10 minutes a day. The key is to start and make space for what you really want. In well-designed environments, you are more creative and productive. You have more energy and you can accomplish things so much easier.
Here are some simple rules I use when decluttering.

Do I love it? Do I use it? Does it make my heart sing?
Decide what you are going to declutter and schedule it now!


What would you love to achieve for you?

No one on their deathbed ever wished they had spent more time in the office. Set a goal that inspires you and energises you and then come up with your action plans and the dates for each action too.

To celebrate the launch of my new website, I am offering a 25% discount to my subscribers for a kick-start session so if you would like more support to RESET and set you up for a great year ahead, please just email me –

When you take great care of you and are more energised in your body, mind and soul, you can give even more to all those around you personally and professionally. More importantly, you will be the winner on and off the court.

Live your dreams and Be Extraordinary in 2023

Love Ann

Ann Quinn, PhD
Peak Performance Specialist

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